Thursday, 7 June 2012

Send By-Ranga Radhika dasi

“How can one become a devotee? The answer is only by coming in contact with
a devotee. That is why it is important that the devotees go out and preach.
Preach means provide the opportunity to others to become a devotee.  A
devotee, a Vaishnava is very compassionate. He is very merciful. That’s why
he goes out and gives Krishna to others.”

His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami, excerpt from lecture on SB 3.24.11, Ujjain
India, 6th August 2010

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Krishna Wants His Children Back Part 1

so ‘sav adabhra-karuno bhagavan vivriddha-
prema-smitena nayanamburuham vijrimbhan
utthaya visva-vijayaya ca no vishadam
madhvya girapanayatat purushah puranah
sah — He (the Lord); asau — that; adabhra — unlimited; karunah — merciful; bhagavan — the Personality of Godhead; vivriddha — excessive; prema — love; smitena — by smiling; nayana-amburuham — the lotus eyes; vijrimbhan — by opening; utthaya — for flourishing; visva-vijayaya — for glorifying the cosmic creation; ca — as also; nah — our; vishadam — dejection; madhvya — by sweet; gira — words; apanayatat — let Him kindly remove; purushah — the Supreme; puranah — oldest.
The Lord, who is supreme and is the oldest of all, is unlimitedly merciful. I wish that He may smilingly bestow His benediction upon me by opening His lotus eyes. He can uplift the entire cosmic creation and remove our dejection by kindly speaking His directions.
The Lord is ever increasingly merciful upon the fallen souls of this material world. The whole cosmic manifestation is a chance for all to improve themselves in devotional service to the Lord, and everyone is meant for that purpose. The Lord expands Himself into many personalities who are either self-expansions or separated expansions. The personalities of the individual souls are His separated expansions, whereas the self-expansions are the Lord Himself. The self-expansions are predominators, and the separated expansions are predominated for reciprocation of transcendental bliss with the supreme form of bliss and knowledge. The liberated souls can join in this blissful reciprocation of predominator and predominated without materially concocted ideas. The typical example of such a transcendental exchange between the predominator and the predominated is the Lord’s rasa-lila with the gopis. The gopis are predominated expansions of the internal potency, and therefore the Lord’s participation in the rasa-lila dance is never to be considered like the mundane relationship of man and woman. It is, rather, the highest perfectional stage of the exchange of feelings between the Lord and the living entities. The Lord gives the fallen souls the chance for this highest perfection of life. Lord Brahma is entrusted with the management of the complete cosmic show, and therefore he prays that the Lord bestow His blessings upon him so that he may execute its purpose.
[End of Purport]
so ‘sav adabhra-karuno bhagavan vivriddha-
prema-smitena nayanamburuham vijrimbhan
utthaya visva-vijayaya ca no vishadam
madhvya girapanayatat purushah puranah
The Lord, who is supreme and is the oldest of all, is unlimitedly merciful. I wish that He may smilingly bestow His benediction upon me by opening His lotus eyes. He can uplift the entire cosmic creation and remove our dejection by kindly speaking His directions.
So this is the last verse of Brahma’s prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So here Brahma is addressing that, a few points that Brahma made and Prabhupada emphasized those points, the first thing Prabhupada is saying is that the Lord is ever increasingly merciful upon the fallen souls of this material world. Prabhupada is emphasizing, just taking that point, “The Lord, who is supreme and is the oldest of all, is unlimitedly merciful.” He is unlimitedly merciful and Prabhupada is emphasizing that point by saying that the Lord is exceptionally merciful, increasingly merciful upon the fallen souls of this material world. There is no need to think that Krishna has forgotten us. There is no need to think that Krishna is not merciful upon us. There is no need to think that Krishna doesn’t care for us. Prabhupada is reminding us that Krishna is increasingly merciful, Krishna is exceedingly merciful, Krishna is inconceivably merciful to all the fallen souls.
In this respect there is a very nice anecdote in the Bible, the famous anecdote of the Prodigal’s Son. You see, Matthew was a tax collector and those days a tax collector was considered to be a very fallen person. He was collecting the tax for the Romans from the Jews. So naturally people were very antagonistic to him, and because he was a tax collector he was a wealthy person, he was indulging in all kinds of sinful activities and he was keeping bad association. One day Jesus went to Matthew’s house and everybody became very upset; why did Jesus go to Matthew’s house? Matthew was so fallen, so degraded. Then Jesus told him the story of the Prodigal’s Son. He said, “One son left the father and went away. So when the son came back, that prodigal’s son – who left the father and went away – when he came back the father was extremely merciful to him. He was very kind to him. He was very happy, “Oh my son, you have come back!” So then the other sons started to complain to the father that, “Father, why are you so merciful to him? He left you, he didn’t care for you, and we had been taking care of you for so long, we are with you and we are taking care of you, we have been so good to you and now you were never so kind to me.” So the father, “Isn’t it wonderful that he left and he came back? Isn’t that reason enough to rejoice? You all are with me, you’re very nice. You all have been very good to me and you are very nice boys. You are always with me, but he left and he came back.” So often this anecdote of the Prodigal’s Son is remembered in case of the living entities who have left the Supreme Personality of Godhead, suffering in this material nature.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Mangala Artika Darshan at NJP, Phoenix, RSA, Photographer Dangati Das

Article by Their Graces Ramkinkar and Dangati Prabhus

Hare Krishna !
My dear Vaishnava
Please accept our humble obeisances all glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Gaura Purnima ki Jai
May our Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu shower His Blessing and Mercy to all the Living Entities in the planet!

Last night we had the good fortune to visit Her Grace Bhagavati priya devi dasi 81 years old at the Entebeni Hospital in the Berea, a senior disciple of His Holiness Partha Sarathi das Goswami and mum of Ramoll prabhu. She rendered a lot of service to the early devotees.
Please pray for her speedy recovery.
Thereafter we had an hour Kirtan at Kavesh’s flat next to the Hospital.  Vaidarbhi dd cooked dhal, rice, mix herbs pumpkin, green and butter herbs and fresh fry mealies.

Mahaprabhu’s lunch offering!

ISKCON was publicly appreciated now at Clare Estate Crematorium. Parasit only 37 worked in Johannesburg from Phoenix had a major heart attack. A family member of Gauranga Priya & Srinivasa Acarya.

He leaves a 6 year old son and a house he bought with dreams of playing with his son and accommodate family member and friends and was about to move in.

The Team hand nice Hare Krishna chanting and an inter-active dialogue with 600 guests at the house and crematorium who promised to chant Hare Krishna every morning for 10 minutes.

Gave a copy of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-Gita As It Is for eternal guidance and blessing. In appreciation they gave a R100.00 donation.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada who touched a few souls present who met him on His only personal Durban tour in October 1975 at Luxmi Narain Temple in Mobeni Heights.
Tonight more Mercy at Sri Sri Radha Rahanatha Temple with His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami and His
Grace Ragava Pandit at NJP now on.
Hare Krishna
With love
Ramkinkar das & Team

Monday, 12 March 2012

First Memorial Service For His Grace Harivamsa Prabhu

Yesterday, in Bhaktivedanta Manor, London, UK, the first memorial service for His Grace Harivamsa Prabhu, a very dear disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami, was held in the auspicious presence of a packed temple room full of devotees and congregation members. Eminent devotees like the Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple President, His Grace Srutidhara and Srila Prabhupada disciple His Grace Kripamoya Prabhu and others spoke on the glorious life of Harivamsa Prabhu. The program went on until late at night.

His Grace Harivamsa Prabhu Ki Jaya!!
Jaya Sri Guru And Sri Gauranga !!
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!